The Charleville and District
Community Support Association Incorporated
Monday - Friday

About Us
The Charleville and District Community Support Association Incorporated was established in 1985. In that year D.P. (George) Donohue commenced work as the part time staff member, with funding from the Department of Families. Initially he worked from his own house, and subsequently from premises provided by Corones Hotel.
In 1989, the Shire Council made what was then a small park in Alfred Street available as the site for a Neighbourhood Centre and donated it to the State Government. The current buildings were constructed in 1989, with further extensions added a few years later when the number of programs and staff increased.
Today the Centre is supported by both the Queensland and Australian Governments and runs nine programs that support the Communities in the South West Region. There is an equipped conference room, video conferencing and visiting services to assist the community.
We are here to assist:
People with a disability
Young people 12-21
People who are homeless
Frail Aged
Community groups and organisations
Rural, remote and isolated people
People who are experiencing crisis